Monday, Dec. 21, 1987
American Notes FLORIDA
Desperate for a way to finance Florida's rapid growth, but prohibited by law from imposing an income tax, Republican Governor Bob Martinez took office this year hoping to find a creative way to raise revenues. He persuaded the Democratic legislature to impose a 5% sales tax on services ranging from advertising to lawn care to legal advice. But many national corporations, including broadcasters, publishers and advertisers, protested having to pay a levy on the services they provide in Florida. Voters also turned against the new tax -- and the Governor.
Last week a special session of the legislature replaced the service tax with a 1% increase in the sales tax. "It's a victory for the people of Florida and a heck of a Christmas present," said Martinez. But the Governor's flip-flops may be costly. Said Democrat Sam Bell, chairman of the powerful house appropriations committee: "His credibility with the legislature is zero."