Vol. 128 No. 20
American Notes Diplomats
Help Is on the Way
American Notes Pollution
Muddying the Waters
American Notes the Pacific
The Marianas, U.S.A.
American Notes Vermont
It's No Use, Moose
American Notes Weapons
The Cutting Edge
Bad Boys
Investors who went for broke
Jockeying for Position
The U.S. and Iran
The story behind Reagan's dealings with the mullahs
Washington's Cowboys
Notebook of Tall Winners, Big Losers, Frogs and a Bird
Meet the Newest Kennedy
Morning Line
How 1986 might affect 1988
Pen Pal
Lyn Nofziger faces a probe
Short Coattails
The Democrats take the Senate, but have they turned the Reagan tide?
The G.O.P.'s Silver Lining
Republicans close a huge gap in the Governors' races
The Presidency
Seeking a Democratic Vision
The Rio Grande's Drug Corridor
Smuggling is a growth industry in Starr County, Texas
Diplomacy an Aftertaste of Regret
Shultz and Shevardnadze fail to break the arms impasse
Infectious Propaganda
Soviet Union Pacific Overtures
Moscow's moves in the Far East worry Washington
The Philippines Timely Gesture of Support
The armed forces chief comes down squarely behind Aquino
World Notes Ireland
Saying So Long to Isolation
World Notes Mozambique
Victory for Flexibility
World Notes South Africa
Confessions of a Guerrilla
World Notes South Korea
A Dissident Pulls Out
World Notes United Nations
Fighting in the Corridors
Of Fireflies and Tobacco Plants
Researchers create a glow seen around the scientific world
A Test for Alzheimer's?
A report this week suggests the disease can be predicted
Blood Worries
A new warning about AIDS
Bad Company
Kissinger sues Penthouse
Being Too Easy on Reagan
Best Sellers
Easy Rider Rides Again Blue Velvet Brings
Dennis Hopper back in style
Editor's Choice
A Looser Fed
(Economy & Business)
No fights, at least yet
Business Notes Fast Food
(Economy & Business)
First Big Marx, Now Big Mac
Business Notes Finance
(Economy & Business)
Why Did He Ever Sell It?
Business Notes Marketing
(Economy & Business)
Thanks, But Stick 'Em Up
Business Notes Service
(Economy & Business)
Lying Down on the Job
Business Notes Takeovers
(Economy & Business)
Local Boy Wins Bride
Clash of the Video Merchants
(Economy & Business)
As tape dealers multiply, mom-and-pop shops are in peril
The Canadians Come Calling
(Economy & Business)
On a shopping spree for stores and skyscrapers
The Not-So-Jolly Advertising Giants
(Economy & Business)
Clients are tearing themselves away from the mega-agencies
Yellow Light
(Economy & Business)
GM Will Close Ten Plants
A Raisin in the Fun Fresno Cbs;
Sunday, Nov. 16, through Thursday, Nov. 20
Bridges the Monkey's Wrench
by Primo Levi Translated by William Weaver Summit; 173 pages; $15.95
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow the Pianoplayers
by Anthony Burgess; Arbor House; 208 pages; $16.95
Inventing a Sensory Utopia
The paintings Matisse did in Nice include some of his best
Medusa Touch Falling Towards England
by Clive James Norton; 192 pages; $15.95
No Tomorrow
After 35 years, a soap sinks
Once Upon a Time in America
Eight releases explore a land from art rock to Victor Herbert
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)