Monday, Sep. 08, 1986

American Notes Charity

The Hands Across America extravaganza last Memorial Day to raise money for charity drew more than 6.5 million participants, President and Mrs. Reagan among them. But the dollars raised amounted to a thin green line at best. Optimistic organizers had hoped to raise about $50 million for the needy, but a report last week disclosed that only $24.5 million has been collected from public donations. About $8 million will go toward the event's costs, leaving some $16 million to give to the hungry and homeless.

USA for Africa Executive Director Marty Rogol, who helped organize the human chain, argues that the effort was hampered in part by insurance restrictions that prohibited cash from changing hands on the day of the event. Says Rogol: "We still have to reach out to those who were in line but didn't contribute, and demonstrate that they should now sit down and write a check."