Monday, Apr. 21, 1986
American Notes California
Ronald Reagan, who knows a thing or two about landslides, telephoned from the White House to confess to the triumphant candidate that he was "envious of your margin of victory." By a lopsided 2,166 votes to 799, Actor Clint - Eastwood, 55, had seized city hall in Carmelby-the-Sea (pop. 4,800) with about as much authority as his famous movie detective Dirty Harry uses in seizing bad guys. Incumbent Charlotte Townsend offered her concession about an hour after the polls had closed.
Although the new mayor promised to tackle Carmel's No. 1 problem, tourist parking, he may first have to deal with the tourists, who are expected to jam city council meetings. "We'll encourage nonresidents to stay away," Eastwood quipped in his best tough-guy fashion. "Maybe with a two-by-four with a nail in the end of it."