Monday, May. 15, 1933

Information Wanted


With reference to the most interesting article "Flight by Steam," p. 34 of your issue of April 24, I should like to get the address of the Besler Bros, in order to get some information on the steam-powered airplane they were able to take into the air.

Thanking you in advance for your courtesy in the matter, believe me,


L'Attache Militaire

Ambassade de la Republique Francaise aux Etat--Unis Washington, D. C.

The address of Brothers George & William Besler is No. 4053 Harland St., Emeryville, Calif.--ED.

Iron Duke's Singular Father Sirs:

I was interested by TIME'S article (May 1) about Arthur Charles Wellesley, fourth Duke of Wellington and Duque de Ciudad Rodrigo. Your readers, learning that the present Duke is still a persistent foxhunter at the age of 84, and noting the aura of British vigor apparent in your portrait of him, may guess that he comes of a family notable solely for its blustering militance. Such a guess would be incorrect. Garret Wellesley, Earl of Mornington and father of the first Wellington, had tastes which were singular indeed in the begetter of an Iron Duke. It is known to relatively few Americans, save such insatiable antiquaries as myself, that the Earl of Mornington was addicted to playing violin sonatas while seated in an armchair upholstered with orchid-colored velvet, composed numerous four-voiced glees, two of which were named respectively "Gently Hear Me, Charming Maiden" and "Come, Fairest Nymph."


Provincetown, Mass.

Miami a Student?


Re "Princeton Prince" (TIME, April 24), should not TIME have added that Prasob Sukhs-vasti is now enrolled in Miami University?

The following appeared in Ted Robinson's "Philosopher of Folly's Column," April 22 issue, Cleveland Plain Dealer:

There once was a Prince of Siam

Said "For Princeton I don't give a damn!

Tliongh they do not salaam me,

I like old Miami.

Miami a student? I am!"


Department of Government & Politics Miami University Oxford, Ohio

Unhurried Thomas


. . . Your superb summary of the inflation gallop under National Affairs, "Riding the Wave" (TIME, May 1) was marred by slight inaccuracies regarding "No. 1 Inflationist Thomas." Senator Elmer Thomas has been lampooned for three years by most of the Washington correspondents. It was not surprising that they largely underestimated his ability and quickly assumed that "the Squire took him into camp" when Thomas walked out of the Oval room of the White House with his revised Senate bill. Before the Senate silverites had cast an amazing total of 33 ayes for inflation of the coinage of silver, Senator Thomas had sent his perfected measure to President Roosevelt. It was a four-lined pitchfork with which to heave prices into the hayloft. A covering letter accompanied the bill. In this letter Thomas suggested that the President should adopt the program and take the power for the clubbing effect it might have in the June economic conference. When the heirs of Bryan disclosed their gain of 15 votes in three months, John Garner hastened down the avenue to tell the Squire that the inflationists soon would have the stick in their hands and the throttle pulled back. President Roosevelt had given the Thomas bill to Moley. The No. 1 Columbia Cerebrator reported back that the Thomas plan was sound. The next day it was thrown to the Cabinet. On the day following an emissary told Thomas the Squire would like to see him. Thomas did not hurry. On the second day a Senator told Thomas the President would be glad to have a chat with him. Thomas did not run for a taxi. On the third day Senator Joe Robinson went to Thomas and said he had been directed to accompany the Senior Senator from Oklahoma to the White House. Thomas went and stayed all afternoon. . . . . . . Educated for the law, Thomas practiced not at all in Oklahoma--developed a summer resort at Medicine Park in the Wichita foothills near Lawton--made plenty money during the War when Fort Sill billeted 40,000 recruits and Medicine Park was the nearest playground. Not enthusing over the Senator's suggestion that this legislation may transfer $200,000,000,000 from those who hath to those who hath not, nor leading the claque for inflation, I still believe that Thomas deserves much credit, has displayed great political ability, good diplomacy and lifted himself a long way. WALTER M. HARRISON

Managing Editor Oklahoman & Times Oklahoma City, Okla.

Cruelty to Horses


... I refer to your article of May 1, entitled "No More Nicking," in which you state that "Last week New York's Governor Herbert H. Lehman signed a bill which made his State the first to prohibit the nicking of horse's tails."

May I respectfully call your attention to Sec. 597a of the Penal Code of the State of California which says, "It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to dock the tail of any horse within the State of California, or to procure the same to be done or to import or bring into this State, any docked horse, etc." This was passed prior to 1907.

You will no doubt say that docking is different from nicking. My answer to that is that the courts here in California have not held it to be so. We have procured convictions for nicking under the so-called docking section. It is true that we have also secured convictions in nicking cases under Sec. 597 which has the general heading of "Cruelty to Animals, Unnecessary torture, suffering, or cruelty."


State Humane Officer Glendale, Calif.

Sirs: For the first time you make me really mad. You certainly know nothing of veterinary medicine as I have noted before, but your description of "nicking" is a crime (TIME, May 1). If it were an "excruciatingly painful" process no decent veterinarian--and many of us are decent --would do it. It is silly but causes a horse no particular discomfort when properly done. I have seen at least a dozen operated and observed them afterwards and they seemed as comfortable as any of our other animals. No incisions are made on top of the tail. If flexor muscles were cut eight or ten inches from the base of the tail it would look really phooey. Incisions are made under profound anesthesia and with a knife so small that the slit in the skin can scarcely be seen. I don't know where you got your description but if New York vets are as bad as that I pity the horses. If you tried to find out something about our profession you would be surprised at how nice we are-- quite humane, really. If we didn't love animals we wouldn't be in this work. "May have to be repeated six to twelve times." I never saw one repeated. "Prolonged torture." Come see some of ours. Nor do they wear the tail set the rest of their lives. MARY D. McCOLLUM

E. Lansing, Mich.

TIME'S account of a cruel nicking operation is authenticated by Bulletin No. 262 of the Humane Association and by Secretary John E. Cowden of the Jockey Club. The New York Veterinary Hospital says that in nicking an incision is usually made on top as well as beneath the horse's tail, that the operation need not necessarily be painful, that the chief discomfort is caused by the horse's inability to use his tail to brush off flies. Sometimes the operation does not have to be repeated, but the horse must wear his brace when not on show.--ED.

Cruel Indianapolis


Not only is the State of New York protecting its horses (TIME, May 1), but the S.P.C.A. of Indianapolis came to the rescue of one this week which had bitten its tongue in two.

Testimony presented before William Henry Harrison (grandson of the late President of that name and recently unsuccessful Republican candidate for Congressman from this district), judge pro tem., was that one James Brown had taken his horse to Royston's blacksmith shop to have it shod. It was limping badly, having been without shoes for a year. The horse kept lying down, making the shoeing difficult. He tried a "twitch" on it. but this failed to work. Then following what he said had been the advice of experts, he took hold of the horse's tongue and was told to hang on to it until the blacksmith completed putting the shoes on the horse. But a few minutes later the horse bit its tongue in two.

The injury caused such a severe loss of blood that humane officers were forced to kill the animal. The blacksmith and his assistant were each fined.


Indianapolis, Ind.

Breisach Mensuren

Sirs: I have just finished reading with great interest, your excellent write-up of the Bestimmungsmensuren held at Heidelberg (TIME, May 1). The cause of my more than ordinary interest was a privilege granted in 1928 when I was staying in Breisach. a little town of 500 inhabitants located about 18 km. from Freiburg. Ah! the charm of that little town. How rudely it was disturbed during the Fruehschoppen --the student drinking bouts which lasted from early morn till evening. Like many college students, proud of their ability in classroom foreign languages, a few were anxious to show their knowledge of English in conversing with me: the result was that I spent the day guzzling with them, and cemented our friendship with liquid mortar. And very pleased I was to receive an invitation to attend a secret Mensuren on the coming Friday, July 20, 1925. I saw nine duels and was as tense during the performance as any of the contestants. Each duel consisted of four sets; a set was made up of four ''strikes'' or blows. One of the important tasks of the officials was to straighten out the rapiers, at times bent almost double by the terrific blows. The motif of the whole performance is absolute seriousness.

Everyone was gay after the fights. The innkeeper lost account of the debts owed for "noch ein Bier" and we settled up, students' regular procedure, for about 25-c- on the dollar. On the way back to the station. I was with a crowd of students that was particularly gay: some of the largest fellows used their combined weight to get both the front wheels and the motorman up in the air. B. W. WETHERBEE

Cromwell, Conn.

At Heidelberg last week it was announced that to celebrate the removal of government prohibition of duels, the 34 student fighting corps would hold a duel a day henceforth. Nonmember spectators will be banned from combats of the five most exclusive corps. Herr Ruehlemann, University bandagist, took advantage of the occasion to fill his windows with dueling blades, lint, surgical needles, disinfectants. In the midst of the display was a photograph of Adolf Hitler.--ED. Fencers From Offenbach Sirs:

Under Sports in your April 24 issue is mentioned Helene Mayer, Germany's most outstanding woman fencer. Helene is not a "German officer's daughter'' but was born in my home town. Offenbach-am-Main. The daughter of a physician, she received her early training with foils from one Sig. Arturo Gazzerra, professional fencing teacher in Offenbach to whom credit must be given for the fact that this comparatively small city has produced some of Germany's best fencers.


Evanston, Ill..

Other fencers from Offenbach: Erskrath de Bary (1906 Olympic competitor); Edwin Casimir, who was on the champion Olympic sabre team in 1906 and who represented his country with Miss Mayer in 1932; Hans & Julius Thomson and H. Halberstadt (1928 Olympic team members) ; Stephanie Stern, German woman foils champion in 1926, U. S. National champion in 1927.--ED. Hon. Mention Sirs: ... I cannot resist a word of praise for the Hearst biographical sketch in the May i issue of TIME.

Whoever wrote this article deserves some sort of medal, honorable mention, or blue ribbon. It is unquestionably the best piece of this type of journalism I have seen in many and many a day.


Boston, Mass.

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