Monday, Nov. 11, 1929


A slack year for national heroes was 1929. The public prints lacked new and spectacular performers to make the public hero-conscious. But the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, only U. S. hero-rewarding organization except the Government, found no dearth of candidates. Last week it recognized 51 acts of heroism, more than twice last year's number.

Outstanding 1929 Carnegie medalists were aquatic heroes. Two silver medals were awarded. One went to Miss Barbara H. Miller, 22, Charleston, S. C. student. for braving an ocean undertow which had vanquished several men, to rescue a drowning woman. The other, with a monthly death benefit, was awarded to the widow of Edward R. Grundy. At Miami Beach. Fla., Grundy swam out to a drowning woman, clutched her, battled the undertow desperately for 20 minutes. When another swimmer reached them, Hero Grundy was dead.

Said Hero Elmer G. Costich, bronze medalist of Rochester, N. Y.: "I got my prize three months ago." He had married the girl he rescued from drowning.

Unique hero was Reat I. Medcalf, of Oklahoma City. Seeing a fellow workman totter from a derrick 77 ft. above him, he stepped under the hurtling figure, caught him in his arms, was unhurt.