Monday, Oct. 28, 1929

Honest Butcher

Newspapers do not often compliment each other, with or without cause. But last week Variety, Manhattan theatrical weekly, took off its slouch hat to the august New York Times, thus: HONEST TIMES "Col. Charles Lindbergh finally sent the only photographs of himself and bride on their honeymoon to the New York Times for enlargement. They were snapshots and turned out beautiful. "Times offered Lindbergh $1,500 for the set. They'd have made ideal roto 'shots.' Lindbergh declined the offer and asked for a bill for the enlargement, which the Times sent. "If the colonel had sent the pictures to one of the tabloids for reproduction and enlargement--!" The facts, however, were not quite as stated by Variety. True, Charles Augustus Lindbergh had sent the snapshots to be developed. But he sent them, not to the Times but to his good and trusted friend Jesse S. Butcher, editor of the Times' feature news service. Honest Editor Butcher developed the negatives himself, did not offer to buy them, presented no bill. The cost was "about 20 cents."