Monday, Oct. 14, 1929

Darrow's Morons

Last week in London, Lawyer Clarence Darrow, speaking mainly about the small influence of heredity in crime, also made an appeal on behalf of morons. Said he:

"It is the moron who shoulders uncomplainingly the unpleasant tasks of life. If any steps are taken to prevent the reproduction of morons, many lawyers, doctors, parliamentarians, preachers and Congressmen would have to go to work. . . . As a rule the ordinary moron works. . . .. The mass of the world's most important and also most disagreeable work is done by morons and others closest to the line. ... If we had no morons, it would seriously interfere with the paving of streets, building of sewers, running of railroads, factories and other industries and also raise havoc with church attendance. . . . The moron as a rule is very tractable. He attends to his work only and doesn't even make unreasonable demands in the matter of pay."