Monday, Sep. 02, 1929

Aunt Astride

Buran Eddin Bey, sensitive 16-year-old son of rich, oldfashioned Constantinople parents, knocked wildly one night last week on the door of his tutor, a robed and bearded mullah.

Buran Eddin Bey had something important, something dreadful, to tell his father-consoler. He had been to a picnic with his oldfashioned parents, many decorous friends, some sporting "young Turks" and his demure 18-year-old aunt, pretty Muyet Hanum. "A foul, dishonorable thing happened at the picnic!" cried flushed, excited Buran Eddin Bey to the old mullah.

One of the "young Turks" had come to the picnic on a fine white Arab steed.* Gallantly he asked demure Muyet Hanum if she would like to ride. Since he had no sidesaddle the question was scarcely fit to be asked of an oldfashioned Turkish girl. "Of course I thought Aunt Muyet would refuse," said Nephew Buran Eddin Bey to the mullah.

Pretty Aunt Muyet, letting herself be lifted up, had sat astride the Arabian steed, smiling a little nervously, flushed, dancing-eyed. The sight, the shock was too much for her purist nephew. Covering his eyes he rushed to the mullah, to whom the climax of his story was: "Her limbs were one on either side of the horse!"

Seemingly calmed by the mullah's sage counsels, sensitive Buran Eddin Bey went home thoughtful and late, brooded until well toward dawn. At last he seized an ancestral family scimitar, stole into the room of Muyet Hanum, slew her with a single, classic blow. Arrested, arraigned in the State Court at Stamboul last week, Buran Eddin Bey freely confessed, squared his slim shoulders and said: "I slew her for the honor of our house." If adjudged sane, Slayer Buran Eddin Bey will be hanged Turkish fashion from a three-legged tripod gallows.

*For a picture of one of the world's finest white Arab studhorses see p. 6.