Monday, Aug. 05, 1929
McPherson Crusade
To the Holy Land have gone Crusaders, Zionists, Christian, Moslem and Jewish pilgrims, archeologists. Next March they will be followed by Aimee Semple McPherson. Last week, having announced a modern McPherson crusade, the strapping, marcelled evangelist chartered the 19,000-ton Republic of the U. S. Lines.
Among the travelers will be Daughter Roberta Starr Semple, 18, and Son Rolph McPherson, 16. The itinerary will include a visit to the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany, will reach its climax in the Garden of Gethsemane on Jerusalem's outskirts. From twilight on Holy Thursday to twilight on Good Friday, Evangelist McPhers/on will conduct services. In the River Jordan she will supervise the baptism of 500 of her companions.
Presumably to frown upon worldly vanity, the McPherson crusaders will be led, en route, through the gilded gambling salons of Monte Carlo.