Monday, Jul. 29, 1929
At Three Marys
As a result of the ending of Mexico's religious troubles 80 nuns were ordered released from the penal islands of Tres Marias (The Three Marys). But Madre Maria Concepcion Acebedo de la Llata, "intellectual author" of the murder of President-Elect Alvaro Obregon (TiME, Sept. 3, et seq.) remained behind.
Remembering bloodthirsty stories of France's Devil Island and Italy's Lampedusa, meticulous Robert A. Maier, Mexican correspondent of Berlin's Lokalan-zeiger anticipated the first anniversary of General Obregon's death by going to visit Mother Concepcion, to see for himself what a Mexican penal island is like.
The Three Marys--Maria Magdalena, Maria Madre, Maria Cleofas--lie off Tepic on Mexico's West coast, 60 miles out in the Pacific. They can only be reached by a wheezing, blunt-nosed government steamer from dusty Mazatlan. Armed with dark glasses and a large cotton sun umbrella, Newsman Maier took this steamer, chugged out to Maria Madre, the largest island. There he found Mother Concepcion, a grave, deep-voiced, slightly masculine woman, knitting undershirts. Breathlessly he told her of the end of Mexico's religious troubles. Mother Concepcion laid down her undershirt, smiled composedly. She was "full of faith in the future."
Fears of the pious that Mother Concepcion was imprisoned in a melodramatic Living Hell were quieted by Herr Maier's article, published last week. Excerpts:
"The greater proportion of the prisoners seem to have become accustomed to their lot. Most of them, especially those convicted of capital crimes, are carefree and gay. . . . Their treatment by the guards, mostly trusted prisoners, is humane. Corporal punishment has long since been abolished by the Governor of the island.
"I tasted the food and found it palatable. Mostly highly seasoned cooking that people hereabouts like.
"Keepers and supervisors have their own little cottages surrounded by attractive little gardens planted by the prisoners.
"Convicts here are divided into four classes in accordance with their behavior. Privileges consist of extra food and extra smokes. The highest class is allowed complete freedom of movement without any supervision."