Monday, Jul. 22, 1929
Yachts. U. S. Secretary of the Navy-Charles Francis Adams last week sailed his class Q 25 rater Bat against eleven other boats, won the third Eastern Yacht Club championship, at Marblehead, Mass. Charles Francis Adams Jr. sailed the famed sloop Vamtie, now owned by Gerald 13. Lambert ("Listerine"), in her 100th race against E. W. Clark's Resolute, her oldtime rival as defender of America's cup. Charles Francis Adams Jr., able son of an able father, won. Score of the 100 races: Vanitie, 55; Resolute, 45. Last week's Vanitie-Resolute course: 41 miles from Kittery to Marblehead. Oldster Team. England last week chose four oldsters, one youngster for the null man Cup team which will play in the U. S. at Forest Hills, L. I., next month. The team: Mrs. D. C. Shepherd-Barron, Mrs. P. H. Covefl, Mrs. M. H. Watson, Mrs. L. R. C. (Peggy Saunders) Mitchell, Miss Betty Nuthall. Youngsters passed over: Eileen Bennett, Joan Fry, Joan Ridley. Fight. Because he seemed to have no intention of carrying out an old contract with Arthur Bulow, his onetime manager, Heavyweight Max Schmeling was forbidden to box in New York State by the State Boxing Commission. The Bulow contract called for a fight with Phil Scott, third-rate Britisher. If Schmeling fights Scott he may thereafter fight in New York. If he does not, the Schmeling-Sharkey world's championship fight may be in Detroit, Boston, Montreal, Chicago. Track. Last week's was the ninth track meet between Yale-Harvard and Oxford-Cambridge. Each had won four of the eight meets preceding. Yale-Harvard was doubly pleased to win the ninth. Of the twelve events, Oxford-Cambridge took first place in only four -- 120-yard high hurdle, 880-yard run, running broad jump, running high jump. Big stars were two Yale men, long Sid Kieselhorst, little Charlie Engle, each with two firsts. Worried were the Britishers as they left Cambridge, Mass., afterward to prepare for a meet the next Saturday with Princeton-Cornell, at Travers Island. Westchester Co., N. Y. A loss would be their first against the Princeton-Cornell combination.