Monday, Jul. 15, 1929

Rome to Rome

In Rome, Ga., from Rome, Italy, arrived last week a bronze she-wolf, suckling two bronze infants. A gift from Italy's Benito Mussolini, it was a reproduction of the ancient Romulus & Remus group, a reminder to Georgian Romans of their etymological ancestry.

In Rome, Ga., is a textile mill. Its cornerstone, another Mussolini gift, was sent last year from the Coliseum's crumbling walls. The American Chatillon Rayon Co. was started on Italian capital. Therein lay the cause for the Mussolini corner stone, the Mussolini she-wolf, which will be formally presented by an Italian mill executive. In the U. S. there are 13 other Romes. No Italian mills have they, hence no she-wolves.