Monday, Feb. 18, 1929
Match Monopoly
Sweden's enormous Match Trust the Tandsticksaktiebolaget (TIME, Oct. 1) will take over $30,000,000 of the Rumanian Stabilization Loan (see above), will receive in compensation a monopoly of all Rumanian matchmaking and selling from July 1929, for 30 years.
The retail price of a box of matches is fixed by law at two lei (1.18-c-) for 1929, but after July, 1930 will be jacked up to three lei (1.77-c-). Royalties approximating $3,000,000 annually will be paid to the State, and the Trust agrees to retain Rumanian workmen in the local match factories. Legislation embodying these momentous arrangements was voted, last week, by the Rumanian Chamber of Deputies.