Monday, Nov. 05, 1928
Additions to Hooverism were: Mrs. Samuel Gompers, widow of the late great President of the American Federation of Labor. Reason: "The right man for such a high office."
The Washington Post, circulation 80,000,* published by Edward B. McLean, fast friend of the late President Harding. Reasons: "After careful and impartial study ... the protective tariff . . . Prosperity."
William Jennings Bryan Jr. Reason: "an unselfish man of great executive ability."
Average Citizen Roy Lewis Gray of 711 Second Street, Fort Madison, Iowa. Reason: not stated.*
* Relatively few of the Post's readers are voters. Citizens of the District of Columbia have as every one knows, no representatives in Congress Last week, handbills and stickers littered Washington (population, 528,000) as always in presidential years: "Give Washington national representation," "Let Washington vote for President."
*Mr. Average Citizen Gray was "discovered" last year by the American Magazine, by virtue of geography and statistics. Aged 44, medium height, medium weight, medium coloring, not Wet, not Dry, Citizen Gray conducts a clothing store. Asked last year whom he thought would be the next President, he replied: "Oh, probably Charley Hughes."