Monday, Nov. 05, 1928
The Coolidge Week
"The giver of all good and perfect gifts . . . has protected our country as a whole against pestilence and disaster, and has directed us in the way of national prosperity. . . . Our fields have been abundantly productive, our commerce has increased, wages have been lucrative. . . . So have we also grown and expanded for the benefit of the world . . ."--from President Coolidge's proclamation of November 29, 1928 as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer. P:President Coolidge received the trustees of Lions International convening and sight-seeing in Washington. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks, who were in town trying to adjust a $1,090,273.56 back-tax dispute with the Treasury Department. Mrs. Fairbanks (Mary Pickford) did the conferring. Mr. Fairbanks wore a beret, played golf.
Other White House callers, more formal, were Field Marshal Sir Edmund Allenby, First Viscount Allenby, captor of the Holy Land, and Lady Allenby. Mrs. Coolidge entertained Cabinet ladies, newspaperwomen.
P:President Coolidge assured inquirers that he would approve a budget provision to continue the Federal Trade Commission's investigation of the political and financial activities of interstate public utility companies (power trust). The latest development in this inquiry was the refusal of the Electric Bond and Share Co., wide-ramified holding company, to surrender information sought by the Commission. If the case gets into the courts the Commission's work may be so delayed that the promised appropriation will not be spent for years.