Monday, Oct. 29, 1928

Chiang's Cabinet

The Conqueror of China, Marshal Chiang Kaishek, who was chosen President last fortnight, assembled last week an all star Cabinet in which every name is picked with potency:

Vice President & War Minister Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang

Foreign Minister C. T. Wang

Finance Minister T. V. Soong

Minister of Industry H. H. Kung

Minister of Railways Sun Fo

Vice President Feng possesses the largest and best disciplined private army in the World (195,000 men).

Foreign Minister Wang represented China at the Paris Peace Conference, has been sent as Special Envoy to the U. S. and Soviet Russia, is a Yale B. A. 1911, and continues Managing Director of the great Liuhokou Coal Mines.

T. V. Soong, Harvard B. A. 1915, scion and spokesman of the most politically potent family in China, the House of Soong, is a brother-in-law of President Chiang.

H. H. Rung, Oberlin B. A. 1906, Yale M. A. 1907, Oberlin Honorary LL.D. 1926, is the 75th lineal descendant of Confucius (most revered Sage of China), and also a brother-in-law of President Chiang.

Sun Fo, University of California B. A. 1916, Columbia M.S. 1917, and onetime (1921-22) Mayor of Canton, is the son of the late, adored founder of the Nationalist Party, Dr. Sun Yatsen.

Sun Fo's young stepmother was a Miss Soong (sister of T. V. Soong) and her two sisters are the wives of President Chiang and Minister H. H. Kung. Thus the new Chinese Cabinet is super-interlocked and cross-bound with family ties.