Monday, Oct. 29, 1928

"Toto ya Georgia!"

Tom-toms beat ceaseless din as Edward of Wales & Party approached, last week, the stronghold of that quaint, Afrlc potentate, H. H. Daudi Chau, the Kabaka of Buganda, East Africa. Though subservient to Great Britain, the Kabaka exercises many a right and power over his own people. Aloof, he resides within a spacious palace, surrounded by a woven fence of elephant grass, two miles in circumference and 15 feet high.

In all Buganda only the Kabaka himself may step upon a leopard skin, symbol of Royalty. But last week the Kabaka, clad in robes of blue and gold, led Edward of Wales to a throne chair set up beside his own and resting upon leopard skins.

Cried the Kabaka's subjects: "Ump! Toto ya Georgia!", "Hail! Son of George!" Said the Kabaka in faultless English to the Son of George V: "Welcome, Your Royal Highness, to this small, insignificant country of mine."

"I am very happy," replied Edward of Wales, "to see such progress and prosperity in so remote a portion of the realm of His Majesty my father."

Later the Kabaka showed H. R. H. the great bonfire which was lighted at the Kabaka's birth and will burn steadily until he dies.

Well pleased Toto ya Georgia continued his Afric tour (TIME, Sept. 17 et seq.)