Monday, Oct. 22, 1928
Born. A daughter, to Mr. & Mrs. G. Macculloch Miller (Flora Whitney) of Roslyn, L. I. The child is granddaughter of Harry Payne Whitney, financier & sportsman, and Mrs. Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, heiress-sculptress.
Married. Charles William Eliot 2d of Washington, D. C., city planner, grandson of the late Charles William Eliot, famed Harvard president; to Miss Regina Phelps Dodge of Colorado Springs; in Colorado Springs.
Married. Francis Lee Higginson 3d, son of Boston Financier Francis Lee Higginson; to Dorothy Lucas of Blundell Sands, England; in Blundell Sands. He met her last winter while she was swimming instructress on a world cruise.
Divorced. Frederick Beck Patterson, cash register tycoon, of Dayton, Ohio; by Mrs. Evelyn Van Tuyl Huffman Patterson, in Dayton. Grounds: "gross neglect and cruelty."
Elected. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, to be president of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, succeeding the late William Milligan Sloane, Princeton historian.
Elected. Paul Vories McNutt, Dean of the law school of the University of Indiana at Bloomington, Ind.; to be National Commander of the American Legion.
Died. Capt. Samuel Bolton, 56, of the White Star Steamship Doric; in Liverpool, England.
Died. William James Flynn, 60, one-time chief of the U. S. Secret Service (1912-17), recently head of the Flynn Detective Agency, editor of Flynn's Weekly (Crime Fiction); of heart disease; in Larchmont, N. Y.
Died. Professor William A. Speck, 64, famed Goethe scholar, curator of classical German literature in the Yale University library; after a long illness; in New Haven. With his own funds and those of others, Prof. Speck gathered together the finest Goethe collection outside Germany, the finest Faustiana in the world.
Died. Mrs. Arthur Edward Stilwell, 68, widow of the late famed railroad builder (TIME, Oct. 8); by an eight-story leap from her apartment, 13 days after the death of her husband; in Manhattan. Both Mr. & Mrs. Stilwell were spiritualists, students of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver Lodge. Mr. Stilwell once declared that "brownies" advised him in his business enterprises. Mrs. Stilwell left a note, stating that her death would take her to Mr. Stilwell "on another plane of consciousness."
Died. Samuel Newman, 76, manufacturer & inventor (cigar tip cutter, bed rail lock, pneumatic mattress); in Cincinnati.
Died. Mrs. Augusta E. Stetson, 87, famed Christian Science leader; after ten weeks of illness; in Rochester, N. Y. .