Monday, Oct. 15, 1928

"About Napoleon!"

Should U. S. Secretary of War Dwight Filley Davis return to Washington from a six-weeks vacation he would not expect to be met at the station by the President and Mrs. Coolidge, the Cabinet, the entire Diplomatic Corps and the 100 highest ranking Army officers.

In Poland it is otherwise.

When Polish War Minister Josef Pilsudski returned to Warsaw, last week, he and his police dog looked down from their railway compartment upon President Ignatz Moscicki, Prime Minister Kazimir Bartel & Cabinet, the Diplomatic Corps, and a round 100 bespangled generals and lesser military men.

No other War Minister of Poland has ever been so greeted. It merely happens that Marshal Pilsudski is the real ruler and Dictator of Poland, though he prefers to call himself merely "War Minister" and to make both President and Prime Minister his puppets.

Grinning amiably, and handsomely sunburned, the Marshal roared to correspondents : "I've been lying on a balcony in Rumania, reading books about Napoleon!''