Monday, Oct. 15, 1928

Diver & Dancer

Charles Augustus Lindbergh and a beautiful girl were mentioned last week in Town Topics: "America--or that part of it which has not as yet been romantically enlightened--will be vitally interested to learn of the apparent interest Colonel Charles Lindbergh and Eppes Hawes display in each other. The famous conqueror of the Atlantic loses his vaunted indifference toward the fair sex when in the presence of the effervescent Eppes. Even this change of attitude is front page stuff, you know.

"Eppes hails from St. Louis and that Western town has never produced a more fascinating girl than this pleasure loving, scintillating and talented young daughter of Senator and Mrs. Harry Hawes. She's like a flash of concentrated lightning. Her social triumphs include New York, Newport, Washington, D. C., where she is a reigning belle in diplomatic circles and St. Louis, the city of her birth. Not only is she more than passing pleasing to the eye, but she dives like an otter, dances like a nymph and has a dramatic talent that would land her on Broadway were she ever to crave a dramatic career.

"Her sister, Peyton, likewise attractive in a different way, is of serious caliber and goes in more for book lore."

This was the second time that Hero Lindbergh was linked in print with a beautiful girl. Of the "link" with Blanche Satchel, Manhattan show girl, Hero Lindbergh remarked: "Aw, shucks, there's nothing to that" (TIME, Oct. 8). As far as is known, he has made no public remarks on the subject of Miss Hawes. The Hawes family are Democrats. Hero Lindbergh came out last week for Nominee Hoover.

Also last week Hero Lindbergh was taken for a ride above Hempstead Harbor, Long Island, in a Loening amphibian plane piloted by Miss Eleanor Hoyt, 16-year-old daughter of Broker Richard R. Hoyt.