Monday, Oct. 08, 1928


Newark, N.J.'s. airport, built to be the great western terminal of transcontinental air lines opened last week. To land there are the Manhattan-bound mail planes from Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Cleveland, Chicago, Boston, Montreal. The port has two 700-ft. runways each a half mile long, a postoffice building, radio station, meteorological station besides the usual hangars, administration buildings and machine shop. Eventually an elevated highway without crossings will be constructed towards New York Harbor so that plane mail can be rushed into the city in 33 minutes. The lag now is nearly an hour.

Portland, Me. In a biting wind through clouds that threatened snow, 50 military and commercial flyers raced and stunted near Portland, Me., last week to commemorate the opening of its airport at Scarboro. It is the first port in a chain of 25 that the Curtiss Flying Service will operate in the East.