Monday, Oct. 01, 1928


In Alexandria, Virginia's peppery little Carter Glass read Senator Borah's Detroit speech (see "Republicans"), and fulminated. He dug up Borah speeches in the Senate in 1919 which charged that the Hoover-headed Food Administration was "directed and controlled by" three of the "vast monopolies which control food in this country." Senator Borah had cited figures and said: "I do not want any man to operate a trust fund by my vote who thinks that those figures represent decency or honesty."

At Leonardtown, Md., sarcastic Senator Caraway of Arkansas twitted Senator Borah about his campaign, earlier this year, to "purge" the G. O. P. of Oilman Sinclair's contributions in 1923.

At Westminster, Md., Senator Bruce of Maryland bumbled to an audience that Nominee Hoover had "taken numerous drinks with Clarence Darrow, noted criminal lawyer"; that Nominee Curtis had been seen "at Pimlico racetrack with a bottle of liquor in his pocket." The Darrow canard, stale and previously denied (TIME, March 5), was promptly denied again by Lawyer Darrow.

In Washington, D. C., Senator George W. Norris of Nebraska, Republican, leader of the progressives, vigorously and wholeheartedly indorsed Nominee Smith's stand on water power and farm relief. He scoffed at Nominee Hoover's farm remarks as "meaningless" and flayed the chubby man for his silence on the power trust. While Senator Norris did not commit himself to vote for Smith, he will take the stump for Democratic Senators Wheeler of Montana and Dill of Washington.