Monday, Sep. 17, 1928


One of the things which makes Massachusetts a doubtful State this year is Governor Alvan Tufts Fuller of Sacco-Vanzetti fame. His is the only workable Republican machine in the State. He is the nearest the State comes to having a G. O. P. boss. He wanted the nomination for the Vice-Presidency for himself and since he did not get it, he has been cool, in a quiet way, toward the Nominee with whom he wanted to run.

Following are excerpts from a speech which Republican Governor Fuller made last week to the Massachusetts American Legion:

"Who better can sound the tocsin that will start a revolt to raise the tone of American politics?"

"Theodore Roosevelt once said that he could never discriminate against a man because he embraced the religion that came to him with his mother's milk."

"We must not allow our politics to be torpedoed by prejudice."

"President Wilson . . . was one of this nation's three greatest Presidents."

"America cannot live on prosperity alone."