Monday, Sep. 03, 1928

Wedding Rings

Hard to resist, for Fascists, Monarchists and Bolshevists alike, is the lure of the U. S. tourist business. For many a year, Soviet Russia has looked enviously at U. S. millionaires squandering marks in Berlin, francs in Paris, lire in Rome. This year, through the tourist bureau Sovtorg-flot, the United Soviet Socialist Republics held out greedy Bolshevist hands. Concessions to arrange Russian tours went to three trans-Atlantic steamship lines (Cunard, French, Holland-American). About 700 tourists have proceeded, or are proceeding, Moscow-ward.

Arrived at one of the three points of entry (Leningrad, Odessa, Soviet-Finnish frontier at Beloostrov), each of the 700 must open suitcases and trunks, satisfy customs inspectors they contain not more than:

2 men's suits

4 ladies' suits or dresses

3 pairs of shoes

18 handkerchiefs

9 shirts

6 neckties

3 bars of toilet soap

1 shaving set

2 wedding rings

1 watch

2 pairs of spectacles

1 knife, fork and spoon.