Monday, Aug. 27, 1928


Additions to the Smith movement included:

Colonel Edward Mandell House, Texas Democrat, Altar Ego of the late Woodrow Wilson. Reason: "Governor Smith knows more about government than any other man in America."

Neval H. Thomas, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Reason: "Segregation in Washington."

Mrs. Caspar Whitney, first vice-chairman (resigned) of the National League of Women Voters. Reason: "With him [Smith] the human being comes first."

Moses Edwin Clapp, Minnesota Republican, onetime (1901-17) U. S. Senator. Reason: Farm relief.

August Adolph Busch, St. Louis Brewer, Reason: Prohibition (see p. 12).

Charles Wayland Bryan, Nebraska Democrat in 1924, the Democracy's candidate for Vice President. Reason: "economic" (see below).