Monday, Aug. 13, 1928

New Ballad

The Grand Trunk of the Order of Elephants produced a new ballad last week. Thirty-four years ago when he was selling hats in Manhattan he wrote the ballad now used for Brown Derby parades. Its chorus :

East Side, West Side, all around the town, The tots sing "Ring-around-rosie," "London Bridge is falling down," Boys and girls together, me and Mamie Rorke

Tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York.

Now he is selling portieres in Manhattan. The first verse and chorus of his new song are :

It's the same old town with a new coat of paint,

I'm an oldtimer with no complaint ;

I've seen this town when everything was bright,

When the old swinging doors were swinging day and night,

The old bartender, the bar and the rail, Manhattan, Martini and the Bronx cocktail,

The old mellow whisky aged in the wood--

I did my drinking when the drinking was good.


I did my drinking when the drinking was good,

When the good old stuff was aged in the wood.

I never take a drop now--wouldn't if I could--

'Cause I did my drinking when the drinking was good.

The Grand Trunk is James W. Blake, benign-looking, round-faced man who wears eyeglasses. His Order of the Elephants, which he founded, tries to spread happiness among business men. The only requirement for membership is to keep smiling. Lodges are called "tusks."