Monday, Aug. 13, 1928
"Time brings all things."
In Kingston, North Carolina, small Willard Watson, 13, equipped two aged hens with wing planes and pushed them off the roof of a barn, 20 feet above ground. One hen glided about 50 feet, settled in a duck pond, whence she was rescued. The other tail-spinned, dropped, broke a leg.
Redskin v. Redshirt
Near Lake Savant, Ontario, an amorous redskin sang songs to his Indian maiden. Bored, she fled into the woods with a more desirable suitor. The jilted, jealous brave methodically set about firing the entire forest area. Detected by a forest ranger, he retreated; was later arrested by the famed inescapable redshirt police.
Polish Suttee
At Ostrow, Poland, a Mme. Niklos and her 4-year-old child and a M. Graf were recently poisoned with prussic acid "by a person or persons unknown."
Justice could not avenge them, for want of evidence. But shrewd fellow peasants blamed the poisoning, last week, upon surviving Widower Niklos and surviving Widow Graf, whom the peasants further suspected of being adulterers.
Therefore, at the funeral of M. Graf, strong peasant hands seized the bodice and skirt of his widow, tore them off, flung her naked into his open grave, and pelted in dirt.
Justice, personified by three gendarmes, disinterred and rescued Widow Graf before she could die of Polish Suttee.