Monday, Aug. 06, 1928

Jose R. Capablanca, onetime world chsss champion, left by the Mauretania, predicted gloomily that in 15 years the game of chess will be exhausted, every combination of moves will be known even to amateurs. But he has a plan. Use a larger board, two additional pieces, four players. Mme. Halide Edib, Oriental feminist, sergeant in the Turkish army, once sentenced to death by a Sultan, arrived on the Aquitania, to address the Williamstown (Mass.) Institute of Politics. No Sultan-10ver, Mme. Halide divulged secrets of the Turkish harems, permitted herself a social slur: "The better class of Turks never practiced polygamy and men who had harems were socially in disfavor, despite the fact that the Sultans always had one. Public opinion in Turkey is against the harem. Polygamy is now bootleg." Dr. Sven V. Knudsen herded 304 U.S. schoolboys aboard the Hellig Olav, bound on a goodwill tour of Scandinavia. What Pilgrim Knudsen told friends at the pier, what he may reveal to awed Scandinavians, is this: "The boy of today is the man of tomorrow." Count Leo Tolstoi, venerable, charming son of the famed novelist, came on the De Grasse with two objects in view. One is to lecture during the Tolstoi centennial in August and September. The other is shrouded in deepest Slavic mystery. Emil Louis George Hohenthal departed on the Mauretania, weighted down by the titles of his high offices: Secretary of the European International Reform Association; European Commissioner of the World Prohibition Federation. His -presence in the U. S., he declared, is no longer needed. Reason: the U. S. is thoroughly dry. George Jean Nathan, dramatic critic (Judge, The American Mercury), came down the gangplank of the Aquitania with a message: "All over France I found Pilsener at 12 1/2 -c-a glass, and ice cold, too." Capt. Robert Dollar, 84-year-old President of the Dollar Steamship Co. (San Francisco), reached New York on the President Van Buren, rested from his fourth trip around the world in five years. Newsgatherers told him his line will equip its new ships with airplanes. He wagged his square white beard with approval. "It's a nice idea," he grunted, "for people in a hurry. I have never ridden in an airplane. I do not intend to." Widow Roosevelt, Parson Cadman, Producer Anderson, Editor Lorimer, with 1531 fellow-passengers, arrived on the Majestic.