Monday, Aug. 06, 1928


Additions to the Smith movement included the following:

Spencer Penrose, Colorado Republican, brother of the late famed Boss-Senator Boies Penrose of Pennsylvania. Reason: Prohibition.

Col. Grayson Mallet-Prevost Murphy, Manhattan Republican, financier (New York Transportation Co., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.), and Pierre Samuel du Pont, Delaware Republican, industrialist (chairman of General Motors Co.). Reason: Prohibition.

William Hartman Woodin, Manhattan Republican, industrialist (American Car &. Foundry Co., American Locomotive Co., General Motors Corp.). Reason: personal friendship, admiration.

Henry Clay Hansbrough, oldtime North Dakota Republican (U. S. Senator 1891-1909), a "progressive regular" who turned Democrat and stumped for Wilson in 1916. Reason: agriculture. Mr. Hansbrough, So, long a resident of Washington, said that he and friends would organize a Smith Independent League in the Dakotas, Minnesota and Montana.