Monday, Jul. 23, 1928
Woman Racing
Smart Berliners, always keen patrons of horse racing, turned recently to dog racing and last week to woman racing.
Prince Alexandre Dimitri Golitzin,* onetime Court Master of Ceremonies to Tsar Nicholas II, was named in despatches as chief backer of the Woman Racing Syndicate. The track was equipped, in time for the first race last week, with automatic pari-mutuel betting machines, similar to those used on horse and dog racetracks throughout Europe.
Correspondents guessed that some of the women raced were "impecunious Russian princesses." Certain.was the fact that they wore decollete one-piece bathing suits, jockey caps and regulation jockey arm bands.
Preliminary races were on the flat, at varying distances up to half a mile. Climax: a quarter-mile steeplechase over low hurdles, won by a nimble, auburn-haired young woman whom shameless Berlin sports writers did not scruple to call "a chestnut filly, "/-
Meanwhile, in Shanghai, China, a distinguished mingling of white and yellow folk took place at the opening of the greyhound racetrack at Luna Park. Lean Wazir, owned by A. W. Olsen and Y. F. Hung, won the Yangtszepoo Stakes. Col. R. W. Dockrill's Staff Captain took the Luna Park Opening Cup. Misses Margot and Tita Stephen's Merry Sinner took the Luna Park Hurdle Cup. But the dogs of Sir Ellice Victor Sassoon won no races until the second day's Hongkew Hurdles.
_ -Not to be confused with the late great Russian spectroscppist and seismographer Prince Boris Borisovitch Golitzin.
/-lndignant feminists were vexed to discover that Webster's New International sponsors "filly" as a colloquial synonym for "a lively, spirited young girl."