Monday, Jul. 16, 1928


The money-raising letter sent out by President Graf ton D. Cushing of Boston's Republican City Committee asked for "the largest amount you can spare."

William C. Hunneman, one of the directors of the Carded Woollen Manufacturers' Association made public his answer to Mr. Cushing. Mr. Hunneman recalled that "for many years it has been the practice of your party and mine to give secretly to large contributors to campaign funds the assurance as to what policies would be put into effect." Mr. Hunneman recalled that William Howard Taft promised revision of the wool tariff in 1908, that President Taft later excoriated as "indefensible" the helpful wool schedules of the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill. In short, before Mr. Hunneman would give money to Hooverism, he demanded a declaration from Mr. Hoover on the present wool tariff which, according to Mr. Hunneman, strikes manufacturers as a virtual embargo.