Monday, Jul. 16, 1928
Work Words
Hooverism's spokesman, grey-bristled Dr. Hubert Work, new National Chairman of the G. O. P., last week spoke freely about the way in which Hooverism is to go. He defined, delineated, eliminated and named-the-Issue, as follows:
"Our people should vote to protect the American payroll, vastly larger than that of all the rest of the world.
"They ought to vote for the party which builds the protective tariff. . . . The campaign will be waged on the protective tariff and its benefits.
"It is difficult for me to believe that farmers are in such distress as pictured.
"Much of the present prosperity is due to prohibition. . . . One man said today, if the Democrats won, nobody would have the price to buy a drink, anyhow.
"We should begin now to impress upon the thoughtless the privilege of the fran chise. . . , Eight million of young men and women are now eligible to vote for a President for the first time. . . .
"Our speakers should be advised to stress their objections to opposing candidates for the substantial reason that they are Democrats. . . .
"We do not propose to make Prohibition an issue . . ." (see p. 10).