Monday, Jul. 09, 1928

Henry John Sinclair, oiler, came by the Mauretania. Oiler Sinclair, 21, is also 2nd Baron Pentland, grandson of the Marquess of Aberdeen, not to be confused with Oilman Harry Ford Sinclair. Like Oilman Sinclair, Oiler Sinclair avoids cricket. Unlike Oilman Sinclair, Oiler Sinclair enjoys crossing the Atlantic in the engine room of a liner. Observed Lord Pentland, democratically: "I found the crew ... a fine lot of men." After lavishing $3.95 upon Manhattan gayeties ($3.85 for a theatre ticket, 10-c- for subway fare), he returned on the Mauretania to Frognal End, Frognal Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3., London, England.

Alma Ek, Guggenheim Copper Co. official, was a passenger on the motor ship Santa Maria. Short of name, Globetrotter Ek is nevertheless long of stature (6 feet, 3 inches).

Lt.-Col. E. Alexander Powell, author, War correspondent, marched down the gangplank of the He de France, told of a tiger hunt with the Maharaja of Patiala. Mighty hunter, the Maharaja wore $250,000 black pearls in his ears, traveled in one of his 220 automobiles which include 42 Rolls-Royces.

Hoo-Hoo, giant gorilla, with Lulu and Lizzie, chimpanzees, Billy, rare blue cat, and 166 other animals including 12 cobras, 35 assorted snakes, came from Spanish Guinea on the Zarembo. J. L. Buck, Hoo-Hoo's owner, described a gorilla hunt: "Hoo-Hoo's mother and two aunts were escorting him through the jungles. My 21 pygmies chased him 17 days and nights. At length ... the pygmies let fly at him with their poisoned arrows." Deposited gingerly on a waiting truck, Hoo-Hoo jolted toward Camden, N. J., and Hunter Bucks' personal, private zoo.

Mabel Boll, "Queen of Diamonds," whose trans-Atlantic conversation enlisted the aid of famed Passenger Charles A. Levine; who has been photographed in innumerable poses beside innumerable planes, whose flight to Rome has been a day-by-day concern of the tabloids, sailed quietly on the He de France. Big, buxom, German Thea Rasche, another trans-Atlantic threat, also looked up steamship sailings.

Hugh Gordon Miller and William A. Goodhart, attorneys of New York and Baltimore, with Deputy Marshal Pinkley of New York, left by the Olympic, their destination the new Scottish Court of Criminal Appeal. On their testimony will rest, in part, the fate of Oscar Slater, who did or did not murder a Glasgow woman named Gilchrist, 20 years ago.

Florence Trumbull, daughter of Connecticut's Governor John H. Trumbull, left by the Arabic.

Sir George Hubert Wilkins and Lieut. Carl B. Eilson, polar pilgrims, stood on the deck of the Stavangerfjord, saw the freshly-pressed cutaway of Grover A. Whalen aboard the Macom, knew they were about to receive one of Manhattan's famed, confetti-laden Official Welcomes.