Monday, Jul. 09, 1928
Dr. Hubert Work, new chairman of the Republican National Committee, said he would issue no important campaign statement last week. His stated reason: "Courtesy to the Democrats." Dr. Work was much occupied with finishing off his duties as Secretary of the Interior, preparatory to resigning. Dr. Work did, nevertheless, make some statements. He said: "We need only about two months. . . . Our campaign will be a real pep rally!" He said: "I never heard of a President of the United States making campaign speeches." He said the total cost of Hooverizing the U. S. electorate would be kept below the sums spent in other years by the G. O. P.--$5,300,000 for Harding-Coolidge, $3,000,000 for Coolidge-Dawes. Stated reason: "We have candidates who will not need so large a sum." In Chicago, on his way to tender his respects and his resignation from the Coolidge cabinet, Dr. Work announced that there would be no campaign headquarters west of Chicago. "It won't be needed," he said. "The West is all right now."