Monday, Jul. 02, 1928


"Cleveland's Proud Record with Music" was a headline in a New York newspaper when Nikolai Grigorovitch Sokoloff, conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra, received two honorary degrees--one from Western Reserve University, one from Capital University (Columbus, Ohio).

Other recipients of honorary degrees, in addition to those listed in TIME, June 18 and 25, are:

Dartmouth College

Newton Diehl Baker, lawyer, onetime Secretary of War (1916-21) LL. D.

George Higgins Moses, U. S. Senator from New Hampshire. LL. D.

Mark Sullivan, political correspondent Litt. D.

Charles Adams Platt, architect Litt. D.

Harvard University

Bronson Murray Cutting, U. S. Senator from New Mexico M. A.

Herbert Putnam, head of the Congressional Library LL. D.

Alfred Ernest Stearns, headmaster of Phillips (Andover) Academy LL. D.

Ernest Martin Hopkins, president of Dartmouth College LL. D.

Harry Augustus Garfield, president of yilliams College LL. D.

Dwight Whitney Morrow, U. S. Ambassador to Mexico LL. D.

Pennsylvania Military College Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd D. Aero. Sc.

Daniel Willard, president of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

William Larimer Mellon, Pittsburgh, banker, nephew of the Secretary of the Treasury LL. D.

Maj. Gen. Douglas MacArthur D. M. S.

University of Chicago

Ernest Hatch Wilkins, president of Oberlin College LL. D.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd D. Eng.

Gompei Kuwada, Japanese capitalist, inventor, author D. Eng.

Boston University

Abbott Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard University D. Humanities

Hamilton Holt, president of Rollins College (Winter Park, Fla.) D. Humanities