Monday, Jul. 02, 1928
Warren's Woe
Embarrassing enough to be a vice president and director of a bank which fails. More embarrassing to be charged with gross negligence in the bank's management and to be sued for $1,850,000 by 7,000 depositors. Still more embarrassing to be a U. S. Senator when these things happen. And most embarrassing of all, thought observers, for aged U. S. Senator Francis Emory Warren of Wyoming ("The Greatest Shepherd Since Abraham"), against whom the $1,850,000 suit was brought last week. Senator Warren, of all Senators, might be considered a sound bank official. For many a year he has managed fiscal matters of great import to the U. S. as chairman of the potent Senate Committee on Appropriations.
Senator Warren's bank was the First National of Cheyenne. It failed in 1924. The suit mentioned that he had attended only nine board meetings out of 80.