Monday, Mar. 12, 1928
The Senate Week
Work Done. Last week the U. S. Senators:
P: Confirmed the appointments of Seymour Lowman of Elmira, N. Y., as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and of Governor John E. Martineau of Arkansas, to be a Federal District Judge.
P: Amended and passed the House Bill of Appropriations for the War Department, including 55 millions for surveys on rivers and harbors, passed the bill; sent it to conference.
P: Passed Senator Sheppard's bill amending the Federal Reserve Act to permit discounting or purchase of bills of exchange on agricultural shipments; sent it to the House.
P: Passed the House Bill authorizing Col. Lindbergh to accept foreign decorations.
P: Passed a bill authorizing double pensions for dependents of U. S. submarine victims.
P: Passed a bill authorizing the Interior Department to promote conservation irrigation and flood control on the Pueblo Indian lands in the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico.
P: Adopted the House resolution authorizing a statue of Samuel Gompers.
P: Watched and cheered while Vice President Dawes presented the Daytona Beach trophy to Capt. Malcolm Campbell, motor racing Briton.
P: Passed Senator Caraway's bill compelling lobbyists* to register with the secretary of the Senate and the clerk of the House under penalty of $100 to $1000 fine, or 1 to 12 months in jail or both; sent it to the House.
P: Passed Senator Wagner's resolution (offered in his "maiden speech") directing the Secretary of Labor to investigate and report on unemployment in the U. S.
* "Lobbying as defined and understood in this act shall consist of any effort to influence the action of Congress upon any matter coming before it, whether . . . by distributing literature, appearing before committee . . . or seeking to interview individual members."