Monday, Mar. 05, 1928
King's Kiss
Through the lovely, verdant park of Cotroceni, at Bucharest, a pair of steel rails curve in and up to the Palace of Dowager Queen Marie. When a royal train draws nigh it can chuff conveniently into a trig, small station only a few score yards from the palace door. Last week came the train of Her Majesty Queen Marie of Jugoslavia, daughter of Marie of Rumania.
Down to the station, last week, romped His Majesty Mihai I, aged six, King of Rumania. He was expecting his cousin, Crown Prince Peter of Jugoslavia, aged four. In the mind of His Majesty there lurked an innocent and hospitable design to kiss His Royal Highness.
From the train descended the now rather portly Queen of Jugoslavia. She was preoccupied with her newborn son. Prince Tomislav (TIME, Jan. 30). Soon Marie of Rumania and the various ladies in waiting were grouped about a bundle that gurgled and cooed. The diversion left His Majesty, King Mihai and His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Peter to themselves.
Smack! With childish fervor, His Majesty bestowed a kiss of welcome. He now waited for it to be returned. He continued to wait. Prince Peter, bonny and button-round eyed, gazed vaguely around, oblivious of what was required, but beginning to be slightly concerned about his mother.
Disappointed but firm, King Mihai I advanced. "I'll show you how!" he volunteered. Grasping firmly the chubby wrists of Peter he sought to haul him close. Unimpressed, the future King of Jugoslavia practiced simple noncooperation until the King of Rumania gave up in disgust.