Monday, Feb. 06, 1928


Knowledge that three out of four people in the U. S. do not use tooth brushes vexed dentists who, although they were attending the 64th annual meeting of the Chicago Dental Society last week, represented the profession throughout the country. The Chicago society has taken national rank next to only the American Dental Association (which meets in Minneapolis next August).

Because of such negligence the U. S. has been buying about 120,000,000 false teeth each year. The situation would be worse, were it not for the years of dental education spread by the 65,000 practitioners in the U. S. (and Canada). Those who were at Chicago last week urged factories and labor unions to establish dental clinics. They applauded the recent formation of the Society for the Promotion of Children's Dentistry. Dentists make money fixing teeth; they can make as much keeping teeth healthy, and that is their wish.