Monday, Jan. 30, 1928
Royalty Scooped
Jugoslav Queen Mother of Boy
Such was a headline with which, last fortnight, the Hearst press daringly scooped and anticipated Queen Marie of Jugoslavia. Her Majesty, unhurried, was not brought to bed until last week, then graciously gave birth to a man child, precisely ten days after the Hearst headline.
To the handsome, white stone Palace at Belgrade came, immediately following the event, Prime Minister Vukitchevitch and Minister of Justice Subotitch who solemnly verified the occurrence and sex of the royal infant. Not present was Dowager Queen Marie of Rumania, mother of Marie of Jugoslavia, who visited Belgrade briefly, three weeks ago, then returned to Bucharest, Rumanian capital. Court gossips again recalled the increasing impatience with which Marie of Jugoslavia has long received her mother's well meant but garrulous councils upon every phase of a queen's private and public life.
Throughout the week Bonny Prince Peter, aged 4, Crown Prince of Jugoslavia, was easily imposed upon, said scurrilous despatches, by stories about storks.