Monday, Jan. 16, 1928

Flags, Bells

"Loyal people everywhere are requested to display the flag of the U. S." on Monday, Jan. 16. They are asked to ring their churchbells steadily for eight minutes at high noon.

Because on that day President Coolidge will visit Cuba? Because on that day good will in the Western Hemisphere is to be promoted by the Pan-American Congress at Havana? Is Jan. 16 a national holiday, a hero's birthday, an armistice day?

No. The cause for the flag-waving and bell-ringing, as requested by the Anti-Saloon League of America, will be the eighth anniversary of Prohibition. The League called the latter the "new Declaration of Independence." The League expected 25,000 churches and hundred-thousands of citizens to take part. The League said its two-day demonstration, which begins with sermons on Jan. 15, would be unique in church history and would "serve as a notice to public officials."