Monday, Jun. 20, 1927
Afflicted Man
Physicians and criminal defense attorneys scanned carefully last week the case of Edward B. Lyle, 21, Staten Island, N. Y., insurance broker, afflicted with sinus trouble, five abscessed teeth, infected tonsils, intestinal disorders and abnormal blood pressure.
Recently, Mr. Lyle, thus afflicted, was out riding with one William Weaver, who was demonstrating to him an automobile. Suddenly Mr. Weaver was prodded with a pistol by Mr. Lyle, who ordered him out of the car, and then drove swiftly away with it, leaving Demonstrator Weaver irate, helpless.
Police captured Mr. Lyle, and brought him before Magistrate William Croak of the Stapleton Police Court, Staten Island. Attorneys for Mr. Lyle secured his release on $5,000 bail to have a sinus operation. Dr. John McCoy of Manhattan operated for sinus trouble, removed the inflamed infected tonsils, studied the intestinal disorders, the low blood pressure. The five abscessed teeth were pulled.
Last week Mr. Lyle's attorneys declared that the infirmities of their client had caused a partial cessation of the blood circulation in his brain, this in turn causing him to act as he did toward Demonstrator William Weaver. They asked that the charges against their client be dismissed. Soon District Attorney Albert Fach announced that he was investigating the case thoroughly, intimated that he would approve dismissal.
Should the charges of first degree robbery and felonious assault be proved against Mr. Lyle, conviction would carry sentence of 15 years' imprisonment.