Monday, May. 16, 1927

In Florida

Two decades ago, over beer mugs, undergraduates told stories of the star fullback who found $100 bills under his door after each game and of the agile shortstop who played baseball on Sunday and who was wagered $50 he could not jump over a bat. But today, such practices are supposed to be extinct.

In "An Appeal to College Presidents" in the May Review of Reviews, Hamilton Holt, liberal, President of Rollins College at Winter Park, Fla., let it be known that the professional taint has not yet been removed from athletics in southern colleges. Naively, he told of the money-enticed athletes whom he had ousted from Rollins College. Then he suggested a new solution.

"If it is impossible to find enough colleges geographically proximate to play with under purely amateur conditions, I am ready to suggest that we abandon our pretense of amateurism and come out open and above board for professionalism. I would be perfectly willing to print in our catalogue just how much we pay our pitcher, our quarterback and high jumper. I never could see any moral or other distinction between a man who plays a game for fun or for money."

On Rollins' football schedule for next autumn is the University of Miami,* which is said to have other attractions for athletes than scholastic enlightenment. The University of Miami is less than a year old and consists of some 200 freshmen who attend classes in a hotel lent by a real estate development company. And yet, Miamians saw fit recently to launch a drive for $500,000 to build a football stadium. "Building this stadium," said one publicist, "is the best possible way to prove to the North that Miami is not down and out, but is still going strong." Skeptics urged that the university yell be changed to: "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Northerners suggested that George L. ("Tex") Rickard and Charles C. Pyle found a university, hire a Manhattan hotel, rent the Yankee Stadium for the "big" games.

For Domestics

Last week in Manhattan, wispy-haired kitchen sluts, broad-hipped Irish cooks, trim, self-conscious society matrons went to school. Housekeeping, a group of capable society women had decided, ought to be a profession, needs trained executives and employes. So, led by Mrs. Richard Boardman, Mrs. Henry F. Patterson, they founded Scientific Housekeeping, Inc., a co-operative organization that teaches housekeepers how to treat their servants, servants how to be efficient and capable' workers. Each cook, maid, laundress, is instructed until she is ready for a job, is then placed by the Corporation in a position where she is guaranteed a good employer, a nine-hour day.

Big Three

Ivy Ledbetter Lee, famed publicity counsel, did an unusual thing last week by printing above his own signature a commendation of the $3,500,000 that Harvard Law School is collecting for its endowment fund. He printed:

"Wide opportunities for observation have left the impression in my mind that the three institutions at the vanguard of civilization in this country are these:

"1) Rockefeller Institute, which is doing some of the most fundamental work in the world in the study of the physical problems of mankind;

"2) Union Theological Seminary, which is making most courageous and fundamental researches into the spiritual problems of mankind;

"3) Harvard Law School, which is performing most fundamental service in studying the social relationships of men."

Floaters Home

A throng of anxious parents and a brass police band milled around on a dock in Hoboken last week. In floated the stubby Dutch liner Ryndam, her rails festooned with grins and sunburn.

The band blared into Bright College Years, drowning out cries of "Yoo-hoo!" and "Look over here!" Newsgathers scurried about the decks and dock, accumulating details of the first world cruise of a floating university. Through the customs, laden with souvenirs ranging from Siamese turtles to Norwegian cheese forks, leaving their cabins cluttered with enough "junk" to fill an international museum, poured the 500-odd floating students with their variously aged traveling companions and faculty of 37.

After a farewell luncheon at the Waldorf, the University Afloat dispersed, its students to see if their home universities in 43 states would honor their sea-credits for study since last September; its faculty and management to prepare for the Ryndam's second cruise, starting next September.

An experiment from start to finish, the "success" of the Floating University was a subject for much confused palaver. There were disgruntled ones who said that 75 women, from very young to quite elderly, should never have been taken along with 400-odd young males. They were hindrances and distractions, said the grumblers. They were hard to care for ashore, admitted the administration, and co-eds would not be enrolled again this autumn.

But Champions arose to declare that feminine presences had kept the young men mannerly and happy. Co-ed Mary Eikel, for example, had been an able dancing partner for Student Jack Eakin and these two had demonstrated the Charleston to royalty in Siam and Spain. Mrs. Agnes Morrow Scandrett (sister of Dwight W. Morrow, Morgan partner) had been sympathetic and steadying. Mrs. Scandrett thought globe-trotting co-education was "most wholesome."

The disagreement over coeducation was the chief point at issue between the University Travel Association, Inc., which conducted the Ryndam's cruise, and one A. J. Mclntosh, assistant organizer, who anticipated the Ryndam's return by founding an International University Cruise, Inc., of his own, with Professor Thomas W. Butcher of Emporia, Kan., as president, to sail next autumn on the S. S. Aurania as a co-educational project (TIME, March 7).

From the anxious claims and counterclaims of these rivals, however, and more especially from articles by students in the Ryndam's daily newspaper, The Binnacle, definite impressions were obtainable:

That classics students had their lessons illustrated as never before by personal inspection of the Acropolis, Roman Forum, Pompeii.

That students of comparative government saw absolute monarchy operating in Siam, paternalism in the Arabian desert, Fascism in Italy (where Mussolini greeted them wearing steel mail under his frock coat*).

That the Chinese band carrying strings of firecrackers on bamboo poles, which met them at Shanghai, and the flower girls who escorted the Queen of Spain to her lesson in U. S. student jazz, were characteristic minutiae of the color and folkways observed by students of history, sociology and kindred subjects, at first hand instead of in books.

That nowhere better than on shipboard could astronomy and navigation be taught; nowhere better than in foreign ports and capitals, economics, foreign trade, languages.

The Ryndam backers laid claim with apparent justice to having successfully inaugurated "college travel." That they somewhat disparaged the proposed rival cruise of the Aurania by calling the latter mere "Educational travel" was understandable in view of the for- wardness with which the Aurania backers advertised their scheme, identifying it with the Ryndam cruise as if to shoulder the Uni- versity Travel Association's projected repetition into obscurity. But The Binnacle of the S. S. Ryndam had the honesty to report the remark of a shrewd student: "The idea of college travel is so much bigger than the men who have thus far been behind it that the idea will succeed ultimately in spite of bad management."

*Not to be confused with Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, whose President, Dr. Raymond M. Hughes, was last week invited to take the presidential chair at Iowa State College of Agriculture and Me chanical Arts, at Ames, Iowa. *It was his first audience after a frustrated attempt on his life.