Monday, Mar. 14, 1927


New York Telephone officials, genial last week with their 1926 profits of $26,701,702 ($19,024,733 in 1925) from service to 2,596,552 telephones, capitulated. They officially offered subscribers who wanted cradle type ("French") telephones, having seen them used in the cinema, the convenient instrument--for 50c a month extra charge.

The Pullman Co. last week surprised people who think every great corporation must always make money. After three months' business, its deficit was $510,445 due (unofficially) to decrease in travel, increase in number of trains, decrease in loading per car, increase in wages, and increase in cost of maintenance and repairs. Total business was $21,689,652.

Coca-Cola stockholders met last week; reflected that they no longer had preferred stock on which to pay dividends, and only 500,000 shares common; gave themselves a 100% stock dividend.