Monday, Dec. 13, 1926
The Cream...
THE CREAM ... P: There is no room in TIME for the second-rate, the inconsequential. The following new books are advertised here by their publishers only at the express invitation of TIME'S Book Editor. Not all the good books are here advertised; but all the books here advertised are good. P: They are books selected from extensive lists as being of outstanding merit and interest for TIME-readers. Laudatory "blurbs" are purposely omitted, being unnecessary. Each book's mere presence in the list testifies to its excellence; each book admitted has been, or will be, descriptively reported in TIME text. P: Reading these books you will partake of the cream of this season's literature.
Science, History, Philosophy ON THE TRAIL OF ANCIENT MAN Roy Chapman Andrews* -- Putnam ($6). " Asia is the mother of the continents! "
FALLODON PAPERS -- Viscount Grey --Houghton Mifflin ($2.50). Statesman's recreations; with woodcuts.
THE NATURE OF THE WORLD AND OF MAN -- by 16 members of the Faculty of the University of Chicago -- University of Chicago Press ($4). For a knowledgeable concept of the cosmos.
THE NEGRO IN AMERICAN LIFE -- Jerome Dowd -- Century ( $ 5 ). A synthesis in perspective.
THE PANCHATANTRA -- Translated by Arthur W. Ryder -- University of Chicago Press ($4). Wisdom from east of Aesop.
WHITE WATERS AND BLACK -- Gordon MacCreagh -- Century ( $ 5 ). Serious-minded Amazon exploration boldly chronicled.
THE GANG -- Frederic M. Thrasher -- University of Chicago Press-- ($3). A six-years', first-hand study of 1,313 crime clubs.
MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOATIN' -- Herbert and Edward Quick -- Holt ($5). Vivid history of a colorful epoch.
Biography H. R. H., THE PRINCE OF WALES -- Major F. E. Verney, M. C. -- Doran ($3.50). The solid side of a socialarbiter.
DARWIN -- Gamaliel Bradford -- Houghton Mifflin ($3.50). The soul of a legend.
ISRAFEL: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF EDGAR ALLAN POE -- Hervey Allen -- Doran (2 vols. $10). All the light, all the shade, of Edgar Allan Poe.
DEMOSTHENES -- Georges Clemenceau -- Houghton Mifflin ($2.50). Spiritually, an autobiography.
MR. CHARLES, KING OF ENGLAND -- John Drinkwater -- Doran ($5). A merry monarch, disgracefully fascinating.
EIGHT YEARS WITH WILSON'S CABINET -- David F. Houston -- Doubleday, Page (2 vols. $10). A business man reflects on Administration.
MARCABRUN -- Ramon Guthrie -- Doran ($2.50). A twelfth century troubadour and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
WINNIE-THE-POOH -- A. A. Milne -- Dutton ($2). Christopher Robin thought it was a boy, but it wasn't.
BELLARION, THE FORTUNATE -- Rafael Sabatini -- Houghton Mifflin ($2.50). Mediaeval scholar into Renaissance warrior.
CORDELIA CHANTRELL -- Meade Minnigerode -- Putnam ($2). Belle of Richmond, toast of Charleston.
THE FACE OF SILENCE -- Dhan Gopal Mukerji -- Dutton ($2). Legend of a Calcutta convent, by a westernized Hindu.
THE HARD-BOILED VIRGIN -- Frances Newman -- Boni & Liveright ($2.50). A sophisticated Southern aristocrat learns about herself.
THE WORLD OF WILLIAM CLISSOLD -- H. G. Wells -- Doran (2 vols. $5). An intelligent 20th Century Briton recapitulates frankly.
LESS THAN KIN -- Charles Caldwell Dobie -- John Day ($2). The wine of a girl's life pressed out in California.
MITYA'S LOVE -- Ivan Bunin -- Holt ($2). A Russian boy's yearnings.
LORD RAINGO -- Arnold Bennett -- Doran ($2). Grown-up boys governing England.
ANGEL -- Du Bose Heyward -- Doran ($2). Southern hill girl.
FRATERNITY Row -- L. & L. Montrose -- Doran ($2). The state university reprimanded, petted, teased.
WEDLOCK -- Jacob Wassermann -- Boni & Liveright ($2.50). The collapse of marriage in a chaotic age.
SHOT TOWERS -- John T. Mclntyre -- Stokes ($2.50). Youngbloods, hackney tandems, wasp waists; like Dickens.
Verse, Humor
EAST WIND -- Amy Lowell -- Houghton Mifflin ($2.25). Her second posthumous volume; narrative poems of New England.
THE YOUNGER MARRIED SET -- George S. Chappell -- Houghton Mifflin ($1.75). In Suburbia; illustrated by Gluyas Williams.
P: Should booksellers fail, the facilities of TIME's book department are at its readers' disposal to enlarge upon or order the above, or any other, books. Inclose cash or a check to the Book Editor, TIME the Newsmagazine, Penton Building, Cleveland, Ohio, making plain to whom you wish your purchases sent.
* Substantiator of Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborne's daring hypothesis that central Asia was the point of dispersal of mammalia. Born in Wisconsin 42 years ago, Dr. Andrews is a lifelong zoologist, an indefatigable explorer. Chinese ructions drove him from his fossil beds this year, to lecture in the U. S. on dinosaur eggs, baluchitheria and kindred marvels.