Monday, Dec. 13, 1926
Wagging Tongues
Birth control and Governess Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming were the words that wagged the tongues of convention-goers of the New York League of Women Voters at Syracuse last week.
After a hubbub and by a vote of 53 to 42, the convention indorsed the proposed amendment to the Penal Code which would permit physicians to give contraceptive prescriptions to any married woman. Fervent advocates of the amendment hailed birth control as a means of preventing war, checking crime and disease.
Then there was Governess Ross who talked politics rather than birth control. She said that she had taken her defeat for re-election "like a woman." Although the League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization, yet there was much boom-business for Nellie Tayloe Ross as 1928 Democratic candidate for Vice President. Had not Governor Alfred Emanuel Smith said that she typified "the woman citizen at her best"?