Monday, Dec. 06, 1926


La Semaine du Parlement

La Chambre-- P:Was the scene of a typically exuberant riot amid which books and inkwells flew when Deputy Charles Hueber from Alsace-Lorraine attempted to speak for the first time in two years in the only language he can speak, and was howled down by the Communists because his "Alsatian" sounds like "German."

P:Twice voted confidence in Premier Poincare when he presented the war department budget for 1927, calling for an expenditure of 5,869,000,090 francs ($212,204,400). Though this represents the expenditure of 1,300,000,000 more francs than last year, the new budget was hailed as a "retrenchment." This paradox resulted from the fact that much of the equipment purchased last year for the Moroccan war (TIME, June 7) has not yet been paid for and accounts for the excess of this year's budget over last year's. Le Senat-- P:Welcomed back into its ranks Senator Victor Henry Berenger who resigned last week as French Ambassador to the U. S. M. Berenger whose "businesslike" personality impressed Secretary Mellon most favorably and went a long way toward making possible the Fran-co-U. S. debt agreement which they mutually negotiated (TIME, May 10) was in high dudgeon on the occasion of his resignation last week because Premier Poincare appears to have abandoned all immediate intention of trying to get the Mellon-Berenger agreement ratified by France.