Monday, Dec. 06, 1926
Homing Premiers
The Imperial Conference of Empire Premiers rose last week after accomplishing little more than to define (TIME, Nov. 15) the well- understood but heretofore tacit interrelation between the Dominions and the Mother Country.
Conservative and Liberal news organs pronounced a pious benediction on the Conference last week, were evidently relieved at its contentment with a modicum of accomplishment. But the Laborite Daily Herald bluntly said:
"The report of the committee of the Imperial Conference on in ter-imperial relations is a masterpiece of evasion. It has recom mended the elimination of five words and the insertion of one comma in the royal title (TIME, Nov. 29), and it advises a few changes of formalities and formulae. But it has avoided with the greatest skill every real problem that arises. . . .
"Equally those who had hoped that it would devise, if not an imperial constitution, at least some machinery which would provide for close and effective collaboration between the various Governments are equally disappointed.
"There is not a mention of India, nor of Malaya, Nigeria, Kenya, the Sudan of all those colonies and protectorates and dependencies or mandated areas which have no 'free institutions' and know nothing of 'free co-operation,' not a mention of all the subject peoples of the empire. And the conference by this act of ignoration is able once more to reconcile the profession of liberty with the practice of domination."
Loyal, the Empire Premiers signed a message to the King-Emperor last week, which was received by George V amid the pomp of Buckingham Palace. The Premiers declared: "The foundation of our work has been the sure knowledge that to each of us, as to all Your Majesty's subjects, the Crown is the abiding symbol of the unity of the British Commonwealth of Nations."