Monday, Dec. 06, 1926


And that same Oscar W. Underwood, Senator from Alabama, whose name rolled off the tongue of Governor William W. Brandon in 1924, was also heard from last week. He has changed his hopes and wants to hear a new cry from Alabama in 1928: "Twenty-foah votes for Alfred Emanuel Smith." Said he: "Governor Smith could win over any candidate the Re publicans name. It may be hard to nominate him, but he is our most available man. He is highly qualified for the Presidency and the fact that he is not in sympathy with the 18th Amendment and is a Catholic should not disqualify him. It is my calm, deliberate judgment that Smith would not lose a single Southern State. ... I have no further po litical ambitions, but I expect to take an active part in the move ment to nominate Al Smith in 1928."